Edition #63 — East City Plans, Ford Government Troubles & Federal Election Mudslinging: Our Panel Reviews Our Long Hot Summer of Politics

First off, the panel congratulates our colleague and veteran panelist Sean Conway, who was elected as a councillor for Curve Lake First Nation last week.  It has been almost two months since our politics panel weighed in on our City Council, Queen’s Park and the federal election race.  If a week is a life-time in politics, then what is two months?  Our panelists rise to the challenge by offering a bleak assessment of the conundrums facing Peterborough city planners in preparing for new residential developments in East City, then the panel gives a frank deconstruction of the Ford government’s efforts to save money, and they conclude with a critique of the current federal election campaign thus far.  Elizabeth May comes off smelling like a rose.  The other leaders? Have a listen…

PROGRAM SEGMENT INDEX: Use these time markers to go to the segments you want to hear.

  • Intro: 0:00 – 1:40;
  • Planning problems in Peterborough’s East City: 1:40 – 7:09;
  • Ontario politics: 7:21 – 32:08;
  • Federal election campaign so far: 32:22 – 54:03
  • Sign-off: 54:04 – 55:01

I’m experimenting with musical inserts to break up all the spoken words on the podcasts.  How does this music affect your listening experience?  Keep or drop?  Please let me know.

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