Edition #58 — Our Politics Panel Looks at Peterborough’s Parkway, Ford’s Cuts in Ontario and the Federal Election Campaign

Our politics panel — playwright & math teacher Tim Etherington, musician & NDP activist Sean Conway and guest panelist & city councilor Stephen Wright — weighs in on the fate of Peterborough’s Parkway project, the Ford government’s cutbacks and that roughest playoff series of them all, our federal election campaign.  The Parkways needs to be replaced by smart traffic management, the Ford government cuts may lead to labour disruptions, and all parties need to stand against hate and racism in the election campaign.

Got an idea for a podcast this spring or summer?  Please let us know, either on this website or via email to bill (dot) templeman (at) gmail.com.  Our program on Trent Radio resumes the second week of  May;  date and time to be announced.

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